Small Grant 2020/21 funding
Full evaluation is yet to be undertaken and will begin in the new financial year. However, grants have been awarded to 21 groups this year - amounts ranged from between £350- £5000 and included applications for youth worker salaries, running costs, funding towards repairing and upgrading buildings as well as grants to pay for first aid training and projects to keep young people connected during Covid. There were also awards made to help towards funding IT equipment to support digital youth work, as well as grants towards equipment to open centres safely.
All grants have been awarded this year through virtual platforms such as Zoom, young people have also had the option to able to score and comment remotely on applications via Google form and the young people from the 9th Hub project have adapted well to the challenge and the whole process is now paperless 2 years earlier than we had previously aimed for!
Grants were awarded to
Youth groups- 12
Uniformed groups- 3
Theatre/Arts/Music groups- 1
Groups for yp with additional needs- 2
LGBTQ+ groups -1
Outdoor/ activity groups- 1
Mental health support- 1
Quotes from recipients this round 2020/21
On behalf of us all could I thank you and the young people on the assessing group for this award, which will extend the life of the project importantly and enable us, we hope, to catch the wave of opportunity as we emerge from COVID restriction.
That's wonderful news. Truly. We have sadly lost two adults in our community in the last two weeks - not covid related - and both a real shock. Having something positive to announce in the coming weeks will have a huge positive impact in our community. Thank you so much.
Thank you so much for the email/letter with the fantastic news of a grant. We are really looking forward to getting started with various projects, and refurbishing and redesigning the youth centre to transform the lives of young people in Buckfastleigh. Please thank the young people on the panel for their time and feedback in the grant applications.