Small Grant 2019/20 funding
Awards were made to 41 groups in total
Youth groups- 27
Uniformed groups- 4
Theatre/Arts/Music groups- 3
Groups for yp with additional needs- 5
LGBTQ+ groups -2
Number of young people - 2421
Quotes from recipients 2019/2020
Essentially without the Small Grant Funding the club would not operate safely- if at all. Having paid, committed staff has enabled the club to flourish and maintain a safe and secure place for the young to meet and socialise. Also the better management of the volunteers and other social and fundraising events (Youth Group)
Without your grant we wouldn't have been able to be here this year. We've used the money to pay staff, as well as for materials during our sessions.(Youth Group)
We have been able to employ another member of staff for the youth group. With another consistent member of staff, who the youth members have been able to develop a strong relationship with. This has also meant we can open weekly. The new team member has been working with the team to provide a safe nurturing and fun environment for our members. We have been working to provide our members with a range of experiences and opportunities. (Youth Group)
We would not have been able to fund the annual trip without the grant from Space. The funding for an assisting youth support worker enables us to run sessions with our youth leader. Although numbers are low the sessions are really important to members who value having somewhere to meet, hang out, talk to adults about important things, learn stuff and share stuff (Youth Group)
The young people have learnt new skills in audio recording and have gained confidence in sharing ideas, speaking on a public platform and have learnt new facts about the area they live in. (Youth Group)
We have seen a massive change in the young people we work with as a result of additional 1:2:1 support being in place. Not only are more young people wanting to get involved in peer mentoring but also organised our yearly pride event in 2019 (LGBTQ+ group)
Many of the children are able to cope better with separating from parents- independence. Learning to play appropriately and follow rules. Keeping boundaries. Girls group growing in confidence and self esteem and making new friendships. Discovery group-has helped some yp feel able to access mainstream groups such as football groups. (SEND group)
Improved relationships with staff, sexual health work and consultation with yp over revised opening hours to suit their needs more (Youth Group)
A number of members are able to participate in activities, often with their peers ie skiing, 10 pin bowling, trampolining. Without the Small Grant Fund the club could not afford to help the less well off to take part (Youth Group)
The grant has provided sensory art and craft days- we have seen an increase in spontaneous communication in even the hardest to reach yp. We have witnessed a growth in confidence over the last year, leading to greater autonomy. Increased confidence to face fears and continue to participate more fully in activities. (SEND group)
We have seen changes in confidence- growing in confidence after accessing our service. Able to express themselves more using creative arts. Coping strategies and able to get their voices heard. (Arts project)