Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2023


Content Warning:  This blog contains information about child exploitation and child sexual exploitation. It also contains information and resources to support you if you think you are being, or at risk, of exploitation.


Child exploitation is a crime and form of abuse to young people under the age of 18. It is a violation of a child's fundamental rights and can have severe physical and psychological effects on the child's well-being.

National Child Exploitation Awareness Day 2023 is a day designed to raise awareness of the ongoing issues of child exploitation. This year NWG Network is focusing on Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE) and they are encouraging people to think, spot, and speak out against abuse. 

How to spot CE and CSE:

It is essential to raise awareness of CE and CSE, and to take action to support those affected as it affects millions of children worldwide.

In order to do this, it is crucial that we are able to recognise key signs of child exploitation so we can take action and protect young people. One way to spot the signs of child exploitation is to be aware of changes in a child's behaviour or mood, which can include withdrawal, fear, or avoidance of certain situations or people. Additionally, physical evidence of abuse or neglect, such as unexplained injuries, bruises, or malnourishment, may indicate that a child is being exploited. Other signs may include unusual behaviour, running away from home, or engaging in criminal activities. It is important to be vigilant and report any suspected instances of child exploitation to the appropriate authorities to ensure that the child receives the necessary support and protection.


How can you help?

If you suspect that a child is being exploited, it is important to take action to help them. One of the first steps is to report your concerns to the appropriate authorities, such as child protective services or the police.

You can also provide support to the child by listening to them and creating a safe and supportive environment where they can express their feelings and concerns. Encourage the child to seek professional help from a counsellor or therapist who specialises in working with victims of exploitation. 

Additionally, you can support organisations that work to prevent child exploitation and provide resources and support to victims. By taking action and providing support, you can help to protect the child and aid in their recovery from the trauma of exploitation.

How can a young person seek help if they think they are being exploited?

Firstly, exploitation and abuse are NEVER the young person’s fault. If you are a young person, or know a young person who suspects that they are being exploited, it is important for you  to know that you  can seek help and support. You can reach out to a trusted adult, such as a teacher, counsellor, youth worker, or family member, who can help you  report the situation to the appropriate people who can support you to get the help and take steps to keep you safe. If you feel uncomfortable talking to someone you know, you can call 999 if you are in immediate danger or seek one of the services below. 

You  are not alone and help is available. Help is available to keep you safe. This can include telling a trusted adult if you are uncomfortable around someone (of any age), or that someone has asked you to do anything you are not comfortable with. If you do not feel safe in a situation, it is important to leave and go and speak to someone you trust. Your instincts are important - it is ok to say no. By speaking out and seeking help, you can take steps to keep yourself safe and prevent further exploitation.

Child exploitation is a complex issue, but by working together, we can make a difference in the lives of vulnerable young people. Let's raise awareness, take action, and stand up for the rights of children everywhere. Remember to think, spot and speak out! 

If you feel you need to talk to someone or to seek help, there is always someone who will listen:


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