Say Something
Complaints and Compliments ‘Say Something’
This is a safe space on our website where we would like you to let us know if you have something to say. If you would like to register a complaint or just give us some feedback on what we do well, we look forward to hearing from you.
Space members (young people)
If you are a member of Space and want to tell us if you are not happy with our service or have had a negative experience and are worried about saying so, don’t worry!
If you choose, you can nominate someone to help you. This might be a youth worker you know, a parent or carer or any other trusted adult. Just pop their details into the online form and we will be in touch. Thank you for speaking up and having your say.
Complaints can be submitted:
Data: Please note you can share what you choose on this form. The information you share will be retained on our information system for the purpose of communicating with you.